The Genealogy Journey

The newbie genealogist's resource for books, mags, databases, and -- of course -- any free research stuff to be found on the Internet.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Linkpendium Contains Vast Array of Worldwide Surname Sites (and More)

Here's a genealogy resource that should be added to your list o' links (right next to Cyndi's List): Linkpendium.

According to Dr. Brian Leverich, co-owner of the site, "Linkpendium now has links to 4,659,347 sources of genealogical information. It is numerically by far the largest directory of genealogical resources on the Internet. In fact, Linkpendium is one of the largest human-edited directories of *any* kind on the Web."

In case you don't know much about the Internet, having *human-edited* links is the way to go. That way you don't end up with links to a lot to nasty pages or pages trying to sell you something. Naturally, this kind of Web site design is much more labor intensive … thanks for your hard work, Linkpendium!

The site enables you to add a link to your own genealogy-based Web site. It could be a county, state, or family name site; it doesn't matter as long as it's about genealogy!

Because of the above feature, you can arrive at the site and go directly to where you want to go. Information is organized by locality (currently just the USA) or surname (worldwide). The list of names is a site to behold! (No pun intended.)

Happy hunting!

~Mary Kaye
